Tuesday, July 10, 2012


It has become difficult nowadays to not begin an office day without devouring the sweet juice of the world's latest, cheapest and absolutely free of cost  drug- facebook. This so called e-drug is soo powerful that   surviving without it in this 20th  century is a hard task especially these particular days in a year,  365 days!!! I simply cannot find a reason why i should not log into facebook. The fact that this drug has something interesting to offer or rather our hope of finding a new post, a new pic, or any new update, notification, message, friend request makes you want to glue yourself  to this drug 365 days in a row.

 But i cannot complain, the medicine does work its magic on all office days, it is purely a stress reliever if not a pleasure provider, a time pass agent, an inspirer, a friend and even a life saver at times. But sometimes office days does turn out completely and solely devoted to facebook even if you have work. But the sole idea behind that is to manage facebook, gmail and all your other favorites along with  work.

Now you must be thinking why take all the trouble? Why can't you just focus on your work and finish it off? On that note, let me ask you a counter question but provide me with an honest, honest, honest answer!! How many of you wake up in the morning with this thought in mind, "God! i have to go to that god forsaken place again, s***t humbug @#&*#@^&*!!" If you are doing the same even now, face this horrific truth- YOU DO NOT ENJOY YOUR WORK!

What fun or satisfaction do you get sitting 8 hours or even more  in front of the monitor pondering over accounts, photo shop, excel files, MS word, MS office, graphics, editing, writing and the worst one doing maths (yuck)!!! I do not see the fun part anywhere, all i see is work, work and more work. So if you have planned on replying me with this adjective seen in a lot of resumes (DEDICATION) then i think you are leading a very boring and dull WORK LIFE.

And see the irony of a dedicated worker! They go home in the evening and tell their wife and kids or  family, that they had a tiring day at work and was fully loaded with files and clients. Even if you are working in Microsoft, making your job enjoyable is your duty, no one else will do it for you. If you dont do it you are wasting your own precious time and energy. And to make work more interesting the most socially available and popular option that everyone chooses now is to be on facebook (correct me if i am wrong).

Sorry for those unfortunate ones whose company was smart enough to ban or keep an eye on the employees using facebook or any other social media sites!!!But do not think that we are full time on facebook, we know to manage our time (irrespective of all the time management classes the MBA's had) We know how to balance work and fun. Incorporating fun and work together makes your office day a better day i feel .

In the very limited 24 hrs you get in a day, 10-11 hours you have to spend at office including; getting ready for office,  transportation to office, office working time, getting back home from office plus last one the office hangover. So half a day you stay bored and work dedicately the other 8-9 hours you sleep that leaves you with 4 hours to spent with your family and doing other activity. WOW!! there goes your result for being a dedicated and hard working employee- a loooong boooooring life.

 Some dire hard-core facts about using facebook at office:

  • It is a true fact that you get to check, scan and lure deep into facebook during your office hours than when you are at home. 
  • You have the general tendency to talk to your friends more on facebook when you are at office and less at home.
  • When you initiate a conversation in facebook during office, all your friends will tag along to crack jokes, make fun and laugh at each other. That is the beauty of it.
  • Many of your friends think that we are wasting our time doodling around in facebook  lazying around and doing nothing !!! we are definitely not !! its just that we know to work the fun way and we do it in style.
  • You easily get your work finished with this thought in mind " after this, i will have a sneak peek into my facebook profile for a break"
  • I keep in touch and connect with my friends thanks to facebook at office
  • I will always be the first one to comment or like a photo or post (Just out of love for my friend and because i liked the post, i dont think it is very harmful)
  • You end up loving office days because its not work alone that you are doing you are also socializing and keeping your friend circle alive.
As the saying goes- you have only one life, live it to the fullest!!! (make sure you do!! dont make way for regrets people!! )
P.S: So to all my friend out there who think that i am full time on facebook atleast i am not invisible rather offline like YOU!! Plus i dont think facebooking is a crime to be hidden. So appearing online  doesnt mean i am facebooking just means that i know how to make my work enjoyable:-D

Let me know if you can relate this with yourself as well

Cheers to work!!!


  1. sho! enthanithu! but true views you have put out there i must say! and couple of the firts hard-core facts are absolutely true in my case :D

    P.S. i get access to FB only cuz m at home! else i rarely log in. know why? we have chain conversations through office mails :P another stress reliever i must say :)

  2. chain conversations? whtz that??? enlighten me plzz

    1. as in group conversation sorts...which just go on and on...practically the whole day :)

  3. sooo true!!!...I could co-relate 5th point the most..:)

  4. heheh..thnks chechy...i do it always:-)

  5. Awesome! Really true stuff! At least u thot of jotting all this down! :)

  6. yes joel...was thinking about it for a long time....and need to answer some people also ;-) soi put it down in words:-D

  7. What you have told is absolutely correct. Well written one. Hats off to you.

  8. Thnks arjunaaa...i knew everyone will accept it, coz we r all doing the same thing:-)

  9. Point well said, well written and randomly repeated over the article. Could have avoided rather cut short on the latter part though.

  10. hmmm...yeah...should make it a little short i believe...thnks anyway:-)

  11. I miss dis as FB banned @ offiz, so im trying to make home an Offiz but by that all my frndz will be at HOME. :(

  12. for a social media manager, Facebook is work! but, it's still fun. i spend 8 hr a day in Facebook and other social networking sites and personally dnt find enough tym to spend on it. but professionally, it is the emerging new medium for both business and presonal communication! (or already established medium, i shud say)

  13. Renjithettaaa...sarilllaaa....namukku proxy vechu aa saayippumaare seriyaakkaam.....

  14. Hi Ann,

    Nice article. I hated to use FB until I passed out from Amrita. I always gave priority to be connected with you guys and also started to get back to my old school and UG college friends. Now, I love to be in FB, just to know the updates, to see photos, and to read the posts.
    So, I do agree to your point that FB is a stress reliever. Now, I can't think of starting a day without checking FB.
    But, would like to comment on what you said "all my friend out there who think that i am full time on facebook atleast i am not invisible rather offline like YOU!!". Idhu enne udheshichaanu.. Enne thanne udheshichaanu.. Enne mathram udheshichaanu..
    I don't come online because I am lazy in chatting. I don't have any problem in telling that I log into FB. In fact, I have given the proxy site to most of my colleagues so that they can also access this stress reliever.

    Anyhow nice observation about using FB in office. You said "Cheers to work". But, I would say "Cheers to FB" :)

  15. Anjumma..thnku...even i dint care of fb when i was in college, coz we were all together but now i log into fb to be with u all...And tht comment was not for you, njan ninte kaaryam orthite illa..."It was meant for all those who think i am always on fb" avarkittulla paniyaa...i dont care what others think, if i wanna be on fb i will be on fb...many tell me i am always online...athu kondu ezhuthiyathaa mole...

    And ya cheers to fb!!!

  16. Hey Ann!

    This is my first comment on your blog. Facebook is fun but not always. Of course, I browse through different pages, chat with friends and etc etc, but sometimes, just sometimes I feel people do things so that they can be posted on FB rather than for having fun. And that really gets to me. I am okay with FB as long as people don't use it to paint a pretty, fake picture of themselves. If you know what I mean.

    As for your write-up, I enjoyed reading it. Couldn't agree more on the 'You fb more when at office' part! :D Keep writing! :)


  17. veena,

    thanks for youe comment, looking forward to more dear. And i got exactly what you meant! yes! Fb is an attraction and can be deadly and irritating at times!!! well all depends on how u use it!!
