Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The facebook photography trend

I am sure that most of us will have liked a photography page or two on facebook out of the love for the photos posted on the page.  It is difficult nowadays to browse on facebook without avoiding or stepping onto the end number of photography pages that are sprouting up with every passing second. Photography pages of individuals from every corner of the world are the new talk in face book town.

Thanks to this most popular and fun filled social media website; facebook, people now have a chance to showcase or display their hidden talents with photography being one among them. Photography pages in facebook have captivated and attracted more ‘likes’, ‘comments’ and ‘reviews’ than any other talent pages like articles, poems, cartoons, sketches etc. Photography is no single entity but has various branches related to it like fashion photography, wedding photography, portraits, models, flora, fauna, insects, vehicles, sports ,edifice and many more the list is endless.

The artists or creative minds behind the construction of this so-called photography page differ from mere amateurs, who created the page to display their passion for photography to professionals who have taken up photography as a means of their daily bread. The photography pages have created quite an impact on the viewers that the very title will grasp the viewers to explore, enjoy and even criticize the masterpiece of the artist. With all due respect to the profession; photography is no child’s play or cake walk.

The success of these photography pages are clearly visible… don’t believe me, here is a solid proof! A well-known, popular, much-shared and highly praised page in facebook has a whooping 1,66,240 likes and counting  (that is like 166K and counting) which is solely owned by a photographer entitled as Hari Menon and titled in facebook as Hari Menon Photography (check it out in facebook and you will know that I am not bluffing.) This person has photographs from every slice of life and his album is endless showcasing beautiful, awe-stricken and jaw dropping photos.

Amateurs, who wish to proclaim a steadfast and vigorous portfolio or a career in photography is now made easy with this open forum and community pages in social media. You get a chance to learn, analyze and observe the pictures absolutely free of cost. And if you wish to know the type of camera used, the kind of shot, the frame, resolution, clarity, focus and other technical details; with facebook you get instant replies and answers to all your queries regarding photography in a nick of a time.

The way an artist see things through a lens is vastly different from the way a normal person view it via the naked eye. The minor and minute facets and details of life which we have overlooked is taken up by the artist and highly applauded and appreciated by us. And that is the irony of it! The adage “a picture is worth a thousand words” is now more aptly put as “a picture is worth a thousand and million likes” all thanks to facebook.