Tuesday, May 15, 2012

We are Indians, Not English!

Given an assignment to read the book “Becoming Indian, the unfinished revolution of Culture and Identity” by Pawan. K Varma, I didn’t realize the actual benefit behind it. After having read the book I understood how important it is to know about one’s culture and land and give considerable priority to it rather than upholding certain ideas and beliefs which are not ours, but which have been inhabited to us.

The British came and colonized us for more than a hundred years, but still their traits remain with us in our language, dressing, talking, mannerism and to an extent our culture; which we consider as our pride. We give huge importance to the language English be it texting, conversation, e-mail, letters…but it is very rare that we do the same in our mother tongue. Even if we use it, we do mix up English at least in one sentence spoken or else we would never get a satisfaction in front of others. Most of the parents today feel that knowing English is far more important than knowing their own mother tongue. And they take great pride in hearing their child talk in English.

We have to be thankful to the British for empowering us with the language English without which a successful futuristic life in different parts of the country would not have been possible. But their roots were so strong that “Hollywood, English, Pop, Keats, Shakespeare, Shelly” are more preferred than “Bollywood, Carnatic music, Kalidasa, Chanakya”. Many a times, it’s an embarrassing moment, when we talk words and words about history, culture and literature of the British and when it comes to our own country’s history, language and literature all we can do is beat around the bush.
The British who came as mere traders ruled our country for almost a century, because of the space and trust we placed on them and our culture of Atithi Devo Bhava” demands it. Misusing and manipulating it, they had over-shown us with power and control. Britishers used to insult our language, culture, idols, structures, people etc. but now the number of Europeans pouring in every second in the name of tourism is innumerable. The one’s who insulted “Taj Mahal” as ‘bald and indefinite’ now under their own body of scholars selected “Taj Mahal” as one of the seven wonders of the world and  still in line without doubt.

It is sad to know that our Indian history was written by Britishers which we still follow in our schools and colleges. Another funny fact is Indian authors are not given the amount of respect and admiration which we give to European authors. Even in our country dignity and respect goes with those who wear tuxedo, tie, highly polished shoes and high flown English and our inmates are not even cared upon and is considered inferior to the former. It is high time we pay respect to our history, study and know about our culture and literature or else there will appear situations where we will be shunned down by other countries.

Having read the book, realization struck me that “being all English in attitude and conduct; you are making yourself an NRI in your own country.” Let’s thank the English people for their broad mindedness in helping us learn the language and start exploring our own history, language and culture before we forget our “ mother India “ which comprises all.