Monday, May 13, 2013

Skyfall Love

“What a waste of good scotch” about 50% of the people in the whole wide world must be familiar with this line by now. The rest of the 50% will have to wait till November 1 to hear this dialogue being delivered by  the devoted, focused, blue-eyed blonde bond; Daniel Craig in the new bond movie “Skyfall”. I must say the dialogues in this movie have been written by an impeccable brain head with a little tinge of creativity and humour. For an actionista and an MI6 agent, bond doesn’t do much of the talking; 140 characters or less. Guess, he is the person that follows this motto in life: less talk and more work! But that I would say have contributed to the film bagging a lot of titles, praises, aspirations and acclamations in just one week after its release like the 8.4rating by IMDb, critical acclamation of being the best bond movie ever, lotta realistic Oscar award hopes for director and Mr. Bond and many more.

Keeping all that aside, I would say Skyfall had a more humane touch amongst other 49 bond movies. At least this time it was not all about Laser keys or exploding remote operated pens and even sophisticated Aston Martins and BMWs rather they went for a beast, a rusted  century old Digger!! This movie is all about him as a person, his feelings, his home, even his parent’s grave and his father’s stylish Double Barrel Shotgun with an AB stamped onto it. All of which was invisible in the previous bond movies or rather ignored for creating a gadget- filled, emotionless , thrilling, action packed, murderous bond movie I guess. Okkay…deviating alert!!!

The dialogues in the movie are outstanding and very hard to forget; for a person who only opens his mouth for planting a kiss as usual in all bond movies and to deliver power packed comments; this movie has done full justice. The villain, Javier Bardem has done a masterpiece with his role as Silva although kind of resembled Heath Ledger from Batman (A Joker effect). I have listed some of the dialogues that I loved in the movie, don’t remember it all though:

Person A: What comes to your mind when I say murder?
Bond: Employment

Silva: So what is your hobby?
Bond: Resurrection

Bond: 007 reporting for duty
M: Where the bloody hell have you been?
Bond: Enjoying death!

Person A: (Grabs hold of Bond’s gun and aims to kill him) (you will come to know more about this while watching the movie) 
Bond: Good luck with that!

Q: I am your new quartermaster
Bond: You must be joking!

Bond: “What a waste of good scotch!”

Silva : “Mommy was very bad” (referring to M)

Enjoy the movie folks!!!! you wont regret it!!!

1 comment:

  1. Alguem ja visitou meu site?
